On Saturday, March 3rd, Project Feed the Hood hosted its second workshop of the Spring 2012 Season on Water Systems! Many community members braved the cold winds to learn about Acequias, water use, Ollas, drip irrigation systems and flood irrigation systems. We all had a great time, and the International District Community Garden was even tilled in preparation for the upcoming season! Here are some shots from the Workshop:

Learning about the main water line.

Fielding questions about attaching valves onto the main drip line.

Travis exhibiting how to insert an Olla.

Finishing up with some last minute questions.

Beautifully tilled rows, ready for planting!


Our next workshop will take place on March 10th, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. and will be about Composting at the International District Community Garden, on the corner of Ross and Wellesley. Please join us!


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